2009年12月29日 星期二

Online news - about 2012

the website:


The news is about the movie - 2012

2012, this movie is popular now!  The trailer is very big before the movie shows.
I didn't to see that. But many of my co-works and classmates  had  seen.
They said the plot of 2012 is similar to "the day after tomorrow". That is also a good movie!
I  think the movie 2012 is about the ends of the world , or destroy the earth, but the news seems to be not the same.

the news is talking about the story behind the legend , is Maya culture. How the Mayan calendar invents , How  to  calculate , why called doomsday...

I think it is strange  for inventing  the calendar. I'll say , the ancients  werw smart.
we maybe should thanks that because their contribution to astronomy , improve the knowledge.

"Jenkins hopes all the attention will all encourage people to learn more about the ancient Maya and the true story behind the year 2012." It's other purpose  for this movie.

And, an end means another beginning!  The sentence is good !
I think  I'll  watch this movie when the DVD  become available.


2009年12月27日 星期日

Travel Planning

 Japen  happy travel !!

the first day :

take airplane →  Tokyo(Narita airport)→ Naritasan Temple (成田山新勝寺) → shopping
→ Narita View Hotel

the second day:

breakfast at hotel → National Park  HAKONE (箱根國立公園) , Owakudani(大涌谷)

next ,  go to Hakone shrine ,  enjoy the scenery of  Mt. Fuji

next → Oshino Hakkai (忍野八海) , the name means  there are eight  ponds there.It 's beautiful!



→ sleep at hotel in Fuji , enjoy the springs there!

the third day:

breakfast at the hotel →  GHIBLI  MUSEUM , MITAKE

I love the movie directer by Hayao Miyazaki , the most favorite movie is  Tonari no Totoro .
the museum display  many things about these movies. I think this is the dream place for children , so do I . =)

The Cat Bus !

The Robot Solider on the Rooftop !!

next , go to the Asakusa temple .



There are many famous temples in Japen ! It is a big  feature like in Taiwan !

next , the final place today is sea park in Odaiba. Beautiful scenery : Rainbow Bridge

Rainbow-colored Rainbow Bridge at night

→ go  to  hotel !

the 4th day:

I like the journey today  most !!

It is ...TOKYO DISNEY LAND!! I like go to amusement park to play! it's interesting and exciting !
I also want to go to TOKYO DISNEY SEA , but ... time is not enough!

Walt  Disney's Dream :

"I think what I want Disneyland to be most of all is a happy place,

a place where adults and children can experience together some of the wonders of life, of adventure, and feel better because of it."

it's from   http://www.tokyodisneyresort.co.jp/tdr/english/walt/index.html




it's fantastical!
the 5th day:
this is the last day of  this travel in Japen !
so...today is shopping day!!
Let's go  shopping!!
And then, go to Taipei , go to my warm  home!

2009年12月21日 星期一

What do I want to do in the next ten years?

     In the next ten years, first, I want to find a good job , I want to attend to the exam that goverment hold on , because that is a  steady job. If I got the job ,I want to study nxet , but I don't want to study  mechanical that I studying now, I would like to study management , I think that doesn't have many exams and works .

    In the other hand, I would  buy a house with my boyfriend, it's our dream , I think I will merry with him ,and next we will love each other forever, we will live with each other forever, I can't breath without him , haha , that's joking!

    I want to travel around the world, with my mother and my boyfriend , I want to go to Japen , I'd like to go to  disney and hollo kitty樂園, watch snows, wear tradition clothes , and so on .

   My plan is simple ,  I just want to do anything with my family ,and build my home ,with  my lovers. 

2009年12月8日 星期二

Penpal -3

Message from  Angela:
October 12, 2009

Elizabeth ,

I'm tired today. I have a part-time job in McDonalds. I'm a casher. Today I worked after class till 10 o'clock. I talked to customers 5 hours! Ha ha, so thirsty!McDo­nalds is a funny place.I feel it just like a big family.Even though simetimes I had meet bad costomer that make me unhappy. But I will forget that because my co-works are humor.That is good job!

I'm not very interested in Engineering.­ I studing this becase after I graduated from junior high school , I chooes the the wrong section. I think I didn't hate this section so I study keep giong. But, I have a big problem now, I will graduate at the year after next, I'm stiil not interested in the department I studied. I don't know that I should keep going study or work directly.I don't decide yet. You have a direction of your feature, that's great! I'm glad to hear that you've always had an interest in psychology!

I discover that my hobbies are similar to yours. Are you also a outgoing girl? I am. I usually go out with friends on holidays. My mother sometimes will angry with me.She doesn't like I not at home.And I also like to knit!I am surprised taht you like kniting!I seldom hear people like to knit now!

I will go to the bed. Good night!


Message from  Elizabeth:
October 25, 2009

I actually don't work right now. I used to have a job, though. I had three different jobs, actually, over the course of about three years. I worked as a sales associate/ca­shier at a department store, a photographer­ at a photo studio at one of the local shopping malls, and I was a cashier at a local bookstore. The job as the photographer­ and the job at the bookstore were my two favorite jobs. I had to quit, however, because it was interfering with my school work.

I'm like you, engineering has never interested me. I guess because I've never been good at math or science (except chemistry and anatomy). I have a friend who is currently majoring in Environmenta­l Engineering and another who was an engineering major but has since changed to economics. As far as whether or not you should keep studying, that's really up to you. I mean, it really depends on what is going to make you happy. There's really no point in continuing to study something that you don't enjoy.

I'm not very outgoing in the sense that I have a lot of friends. I have a few close friends but, for the most part, I'm a really shy person. I do, however, like to go out with my friends. My mother is the exact opposite of yours. She actually wants me to go out with my friends. She thinks I spend too much time on my computer or reading. But, when I'm with my friends, I like to go shopping, go to the movies, and go to bars. Anyway, it is unusual to find people our age who like to knit. It's really something that people associate with older women. But, I love it! I've made a hat and a pair of gloves so far. I'm currently working on a matching scarf.


Penpal -2

Message from Angela :
October 11, 2009


How are you today ? I major in Mechanic Engineering in college! And you? My homework and exams are very more.=)

I am not very good at sports. I like watching baseball games becouse my friends like! His favorite team is Yankees! And we sometimes go to the field watching living games! I feel that's exciting and interesting!­Your brother played baseball for 12 years ?! Wow, it's a long time !

Actually English music I have listened are not more,but chinese much more! Can you recommend some good songs you like? classical and opera are ok also! Recently I like Beyonce "listen"­ !

I like to read horror novels! But romantic and Fantasy novels are also ok ! I read "twilight"­ recently! I also watched the movie! I think it's so great!Do you like reading ? What things you do in life ? What are your hobbies ? And nice to meet you =)


Message from Elizabeth :
October 11, 2009


I'm very good. How are you? Engineering is a very difficult major. I'm impressed that you're doing such a hard major. Personally, I'm studying psychology. I want to be a child psychologist­ when I'm done with school. Have you always had an interest in engineering?­ I've always had an interest in psychology but it wasn't until a couple years ago that I decided to pursue a degree in the field.

I didn't know that American baseball games actually reached that far. I'm always amazed at what is shown in other parts of the world. My brother's favorite team, I think, is the Cincinnati Reds. I know that's my dad's favorite baseball team and my friend Michael's favorite team. In fact, I live about 2 hours away from the Cincinnati Reds' baseball stadium. I've been to see them play once.

I've never listened to any Chinese music. I've listened to French pop music, Thai music, and Japanese music. Even though I don't understand what they're saying most of the time, I still love the music. Hmm, if you want some good songs, there are some good pop songs (American) that I like. Some of my favorites are "Black Horse and a Cherry Tree" by KT Tunstall, "Cornfl­ake Girl" by Tori Amos (Tori Amos is an amazing singer!), "Winter"­ by Tori Amos, "Better­ in Time" by Leona Lewis, "Beauti­ful Nightmare"­ by Beyonce, "Samson"­ by Regina Spektor.

I love horror novels as well. I also like fantasy novels. I'm not particularly­ fond of romance novels, though. I like to read mysteries and classic novels in addition to everything else. I love to read so there are a lot of genres that I like.

I have a lot of hobbies. In addition to reading, I like to write, listen to music, surf the internet, knit, sleep, shop, daydream, draw, work puzzles, play games, go out with my friends, watch movies.


Penpal -1

Message from Angela:
October 8, 2009

I'm Angela.
I am a college student from Taipe,Taiwan­­i!
I'm 20 years old!
I like reading , watching baseball games , singing , and so on.
I want to find penpals around the world.
In fact , my English is not so good!
I read your notes and introduction­,and I feel you are maybe a rock girl ?
I just want to make friend with you!
May I ?

Message from Elizabeth:
October 10, 2009

Hi. Thanks for writing. What are you studying in college? How funny that you like watching baseball. I say this because my brother used to play baseball. He played it for 12 years. I've never been particularly­ good at sports, personally. Anyway, I love rock music but I also like a variety of other music such as classical and opera. Oh, what do you like to read? Any favorite books or authors? Of course we can be friends!


2009年10月1日 星期四

Self introduction

I am Angela.

I am a student in NTUST now,I major in Mechanical Engineering.

I like to watch movies ,watch baseball games,read novels,shopping...and so on.Sometimes I go to watch baseball game with my friends, it's so exciting and interesting! We all love that!

But usually I work on holidays. I have a part-time job at Mcdonalds,I'm a casher.It is bored sometimes,because I maybe say the similarly conversations with guests five or six hours!

My listening and writing in English are not so good, I want to take the civil service examinations after I graduate from school , I'd like to get a good job! So ,I want to improve my English ability, especially listen and talk! And , I went to listening class and writing class ever, so this times I want to learn English by different ways, so I go to this class !