2009年12月8日 星期二

Penpal -3

Message from  Angela:
October 12, 2009

Elizabeth ,

I'm tired today. I have a part-time job in McDonalds. I'm a casher. Today I worked after class till 10 o'clock. I talked to customers 5 hours! Ha ha, so thirsty!McDo­nalds is a funny place.I feel it just like a big family.Even though simetimes I had meet bad costomer that make me unhappy. But I will forget that because my co-works are humor.That is good job!

I'm not very interested in Engineering.­ I studing this becase after I graduated from junior high school , I chooes the the wrong section. I think I didn't hate this section so I study keep giong. But, I have a big problem now, I will graduate at the year after next, I'm stiil not interested in the department I studied. I don't know that I should keep going study or work directly.I don't decide yet. You have a direction of your feature, that's great! I'm glad to hear that you've always had an interest in psychology!

I discover that my hobbies are similar to yours. Are you also a outgoing girl? I am. I usually go out with friends on holidays. My mother sometimes will angry with me.She doesn't like I not at home.And I also like to knit!I am surprised taht you like kniting!I seldom hear people like to knit now!

I will go to the bed. Good night!


Message from  Elizabeth:
October 25, 2009

I actually don't work right now. I used to have a job, though. I had three different jobs, actually, over the course of about three years. I worked as a sales associate/ca­shier at a department store, a photographer­ at a photo studio at one of the local shopping malls, and I was a cashier at a local bookstore. The job as the photographer­ and the job at the bookstore were my two favorite jobs. I had to quit, however, because it was interfering with my school work.

I'm like you, engineering has never interested me. I guess because I've never been good at math or science (except chemistry and anatomy). I have a friend who is currently majoring in Environmenta­l Engineering and another who was an engineering major but has since changed to economics. As far as whether or not you should keep studying, that's really up to you. I mean, it really depends on what is going to make you happy. There's really no point in continuing to study something that you don't enjoy.

I'm not very outgoing in the sense that I have a lot of friends. I have a few close friends but, for the most part, I'm a really shy person. I do, however, like to go out with my friends. My mother is the exact opposite of yours. She actually wants me to go out with my friends. She thinks I spend too much time on my computer or reading. But, when I'm with my friends, I like to go shopping, go to the movies, and go to bars. Anyway, it is unusual to find people our age who like to knit. It's really something that people associate with older women. But, I love it! I've made a hat and a pair of gloves so far. I'm currently working on a matching scarf.


